Monday, June 8, 2020

Contemporary Leadership Skills to Handle in the Workplace - 825 Words

Contemporary Leadership Style and Related Situations That Require Contemporary Leadership Skills to Handle in the Workplace (Essay Sample) Content: Contemporary Leadership Style and Related Situations That Require Contemporary Leadership Skills to Handle in the WorkplaceNameInstitutional AffiliationContemporary Leadership Style and Related Situations That Require Contemporary Leadership Skills to Handle in the WorkplaceIntroductionIn any workplace, conflicts are inevitable and when they occur, leaders ought to use their varied leadership skills and styles to solve them. There are those that apply contemporary leadership styles and abilities to address any situations that emerge in the workplace. It is within the dictates of contemporary leadership that leaders stand out as the advocates of equality and collaboration in the workplace. A contemporary leader is one who stands for the equality of those who feel marginalized in the workplace and is guided by the theory of trait and character ("Leadership Theories and Styles: A Literature Review " 2017).The modern-day corporate world is working towards ensuring that th e workplace is fair to all persons by seeing to it that all employees are treated equally, with no preferences to gender. In many workplaces, however, gender discrimination has been prevalent, and women have been regarded as the weaker beings that cannot handle organizational responsibilities. The male employees look down upon their female counterparts and even the deserving female employees are denied opportunities to deliver to their full potential. Women have been denied positions, promotions and even paid lower wages.The SituationWomen discrimination is a workplace situation that contemporary leadership has to address. To solve the issue concerning gender discrimination in the workplace, there is the need for a contemporary leader, who advocates for equality in the workplace. The leader needs to be aware of the drawbacks and merits of fostering a discrimination-free workforce. To be mindful of all these, the development level of the leader ought to be at the transformational lea dership level. It is at this level that the leader is fully aware of all the dynamics and policies put in place in the organization. The leader has a holistic view of the organization, and usually, has the bigger picture and future vision of the entity. At the transformational leadership level, the leader takes it upon himself or herself to add value to the organization.In the situation presented, the leader can only add value to the organization by coming up with proposals and policies to end the vice in the organization. Besides, the leader has to put forth the best leadership style to provide a solution to the menace, without causing further conflicts in the team through the transformational style of leadership. In this case, the leader has to communicate to the entire task force in the workplace to address the issue of discrimination and make suggestions on how to end it.Solving the SituationIn solving the situation, the leader took action, which entailed the drafting and implem entation of policies that banned female discrimination in the workplace. The policies were to be implemented immediately, with well spelled out consequences for any found perpetrators. In addition to the policies banning female discrimination in the workplace, there was the suggestion of training on the importance of a diverse task force in the workplace. The employees in the organization were trained and taught how to co-exist and live without the use of gender as a source of factions and conflicts in the workplace.Effectiveness and Appropriateness of the Actions TakenPolicies were implemented and consequences spelled out. All employees in the organization were trained on the importance of workplace diversity and co-existence. In a short period, workers were embracing each other, and women in the organization were given managerial roles, with others getting new job positions. Both genders in the workplace were happy to work together, for the good of the organization and indication that the actions taken were all u...